School Prayer & School Song

School Prayer

School Song: ‘State in Fide’

Heavenly Father,

Giver of all that is good,

We thank you for the blessings and privileges we daily enjoy as members of this school,

Give us grace we pray, to use your gifts to your glory in the service of others.

Strengthen us to stand firm in our faith in our Saviour Jesus Christ,

May your Holy Spirit so rule our hearts and lives that we may daily grow in love of you and one another,

Through Jesus Christ,

Our Lord


In conversations among friends,

In classrooms and activities,

We learn the limits of ourselves

And reach beyond our boundaries.

But it takes courage to extend

Further than frontiers of the mind,

So stand firm in the faith and grow

In greater freedom, unconfined.

On playing fields, on Tihoi’s hills,

In Houses, chapel and in class

We’re shown ideals much richer than

The selfish wants that they surpass.

Imagination opens out

A wider view of time and space,

So stand firm in the faith and dream

To make the world a better place.

Our arms flex with strength to build,

Our minds are energised with fire.

The mud of mediocrity

Cannot pollute our heart’s desire.

Not fearful of the cynic’s sneer

We hold much higher goals in sight:

We’ll stand firm in the faith and sing

Of life’s potential and delight.

Lyrics by Dougal Fraser

[Old Collegian and ex –staff member]

Music by Leonard Cave

[Old Collegian and ex –staff member]